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I Always Wondered...

how I would manage the flower business if I got sick. I didn't have a plan in place because I didn't know what I would do. Unfortunately, April was the month I was forced to figure it out.

I ended up getting the big C for the second time in my life (yes, it's still around, and yes, apparently it can still be vicious). It took me down fast.

Keeping my eyes open, getting my drink to my mouth, thinking straight...they all took energy that I simply did not have.

Some of you know that I have rheumatoid arthritis (technically that should be capitalized, but I won't give it that kind of respect) and have for over 21 years.

Thanks to modern medicine, it's somewhat under control about half the time. I always have pain and limitations. It's just part of the game. Yet, there's still random days that I am in severe pain.

So far I've been able to skirt around those days by making hay while the sun shines.

The medicine I take for my RA reduces the activity of my disease by turning off my immune system. So when I get sick, I get really sick. For a long time. And, quite frankly, it sucks.

It took me lots of antibiotics, steroids, and other random meds, but I'm finally over it. It was a long three weeks.

Anyway, in the interim, my husband and kids helped me with my flowers. My husband drove my daughter to do my drop-offs at Rivet. My son carried buckets of flowers and water to the basement. My daughter harvested tulips for me in the thunder and rain.

Things kept moving along. If it weren't for them, I think most of my tulips would've gone to waste.

There were a few hiccups, but all of you were kind and understanding. Thank you.

The good news is now I know I have to have systems in place so when this happens again, everything keeps going.

Here's a huge shout out to my crew, the ones who support me and even do the work when I can't. I love you guys.

Pictured is my daughter with one of the last tulip harvests. She's getting good at this gig!

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